Our current political “leaders” are being exposed, unfortunately, almost on a weekly basis that they don’t give a shit about stopping the carnage at our schools. (Also, we LOVE how he calls out the hypocrisy of pro-life efforts that stop at the vagina.)
This effort is a nice PR, half-measure for an Ivy League factory, but more funding streams are needed to make a real difference for the average college student. 
The business community should step-the-fuck-up and make the investment in their future workforce by distributing aid for tuition via the DOE every year. (It would be a tax break for corporations that is actually justified.)
If they did, every student could escape the burdens of loans and have the chance of being the happiest worker bees possible.
As an SFL educator, you’ll serve in the classroom, often barricaded, defending our campus against any threats, most often those from current or prior students.
You‚Äôll capture, destroy, and deter attackers, assist in reconnaissance, and help mobilize fellow educators and our school’s weaponry to support the mission of the SFL academic ground force.
Training and evaluation may, actually, will probably never happen. 
Bonuses will be provided to SFL educators with a below-average friendly-fire kill percentage. 
Join SFL Learning today where the best weapon against illiteracy is an AR-15! 
Written by Jason Free on . Posted in Uncategorized.
By Sophia Ankel
The next generation of school shooters are so young they grew up doing active-shooter drills — and therefore know how to get around them, experts told Insider.
These drills, which are currently implemented in around¬†95% of America’s public schools, are meant to prepare staff and students in the event of an armed intruder or active shooter on campus.
They range from training students and staff to barricade classroom doors and hide in the corner, to high-intensity simulations with actors pretending to be gunmen and shooting at teachers with plastic pellets.
But experts told Insider that the drills are ineffective because most school shooters are either former or current students who are already aware of the schools’ safety protocols.
“They already know how the drills work, and they know exactly what students are going to do in this situation,” Peren Tiemann, an activist for Students Demand Action, told Insider. “We don’t need repetitive traumatic training in order to tell us to lock our classroom doors and stay inside.”
Real men, especially real military men, are aggressive and dominant, and they are meant to score with the ladies.
Women, all women, are passive and submissive, but don’t be cold, baby. And don’t dress like a slut, especially when I’ve been drinking, and not expect to be hit on. 
Really, the problem is they need to learn how to avoid being raped. 
It’s not that our law enforcement, legal, and educational systems have nurtured a rape culture where women are allowed to be used and discarded like garbage. 
It’s not that parents rarely discuss with their kids healthy sexual habits and expectations. 
It’s not that men embrace, and fight to hold, the power they have within the cave-man/cave woman societal dynamic that persists today.
It’s not that some guys can be complete scumbag pieces of shit.
Obviously, women need to get their shit together and stop blaming men for being men.