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Author: Jason Free

THE REAL EXPERTS of education reform

These suggestions are quarter measures, at best.

It’s a given students, teachers, parents, and our community all must change how they interact, but passing “more power” to teachers and students is myopic.

The entire educational universe must change.

We must reclassify the participants and the arenas for education.

No more 20th century, ‘Leave it to Beaver’ bullshit.

Local, regional, and national businesses should be incentivized to fund and co-design real-world learning experiences for students beginning in high school.

SCHOOLS SHOULD PREPARE for Coronavirus outbreaks, CDC officials warn

Read the full article by Mark Lieberman HERE.


In what multiverse are our parents, students, teachers, administrators prepared for a fucking pandemic?

The comet is coming.

Education, Healthcare, and Housing soon will be choking on dust, running frantically and scared, in a new sunless world.

Right on.

Indecision and shoulder-shrugging will set us back a decade.

Bold decisions and actions will be rewarded.


The education reform movement HAS FAILED AMERICA. We need common sense solutions that work.

Read the full article by Diane Ravitch HERE.



“Common sense solutions” help educational programs as much as “thoughts and prayers” deter school shootings.

Very uncommon thinking is required to make America’s education system relevant again, so yeah, we’re fucked if we think our current decision-makers are up to the task.

We need freaks of nature, not the status quo.

Our leaders are warnings, not examples.

What are you?
