Why EXPELLING STUDENTS accused of sexual assault isn’t the answer

Read the full article by Edward Helmore HERE.
Take away the single thing that matters the most, their tuition revenue stream, and you’ll get their attention in a hurry.
However, the question remains:
Do students and parents have the guts to follow through on their threat?
Read the full article by Binah Schatsky HERE.
Every day.
Record everything.
Post everything, especially the faces of cops covering their id with duct tape.
Get alumni involved.
Share everything with the press.
Don’t let up on this pressure.
Read the full article by Sarah Nelson HERE.
Don’t stop the pressure.
There are so many more changes the UF students can bring about.
Push, push, push, push.
The very LAST place you’ll find trusted educational programs being designed, implemented, and sustained is the United States.
Our government officials can, and most often do, fuck up wet dreams.
Besides, why deal with the middle man?
It’s the business community that controls everything in our country.
Put the screws to those fuckers.
(Parents and school officials can sit the fuck down. They’ve had their chance.)
Make corporate America see that they have skin in the game of how we educate their future workforce.
That level of buy-in from business is the only way relevant changes will occur in our schools.